As you can see in the diagram, a range of cleaner and greener alternative fuels are increasingly being used or considered by the yachtbuilding industry. All these new fuels are perfectly usable in the combustion engine and are available worldwide. As engine suppliers prepare their engines to operate on alternative fuels, it is important to remember to ensure any harmful substances are still eliminated by means of after treatment. This will allow you to continue using existing engine technologies as well as access the associated service options available worldwide.
MarQuip experts are ready to help you navigate your way through the various options of this new fuel world. We can explain in clear terms the different possibilities that each alternative offers and, as always, can adapt your exhaust in every conceivable way. Feel free to also tap into our know-how when it comes to the technical aspects and safety of using new fuel types as we ensure your yacht exhaust system is expertly engineered and integrated in every respect.